Friday, September 5, 2014


Marriage is good, sweet but it is not easy. So many people go into marriage with over bloated expectation and when they see the opposite, they become discouraged.
Friends , marriage is not easy, it is hard work.  Wedding day is not only the attainment of a purpose but it is  also the beginning of another journey. To have a long lasting and successful marriage, you must be  patient and put in more effort to make it a success. Do not compare your marriage to another, see your own as the best and make it the best. Do not waste time dwelling on the negative side of your spouse, instead correct him or her in love and appreciate the positive side of your partner.
Above all, make up your mind now that your marriage will be successful and be prepared to make it so.
Remember, you cannot do it on your own, you must have good relationship with the almighty God who makes all things beautiful

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The best book to read is the Bible. If you read it everyday, it will help you in every area of your life- Family, Relationships, Career, Education, Spiritual, etc they are all covered.
Other books are for information but the Bible is for transformation.
Think about it! And take action today.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Money issues have broken many marriages because it is a very delicate matter. My view is that couples should operate separate accounts and only have a joint account for children's education or a special project. A male colleague of mine complained of how his wife secretly withdrew the money in their joint account which is currently creating serious friction in their home.
You must handle money matters carefully if you want peace in your home
What do you think? Should couples operate joint accounts?