Friday, December 31, 2010


The end of another year! So many things are going through people's mind right now.For some,they are happy because they have had a wonderful year,for others it is tales of woes and disappointments.
Whichever category you belong to,count your blessings instead of your losses and you will be surprised to see that despite everything,God has done a lot for you this year.
The mere fact that you are reading this article alive and well is enough to appreciate God for,remember many lives have been lost during the year.We must not always relate blessings to money and material things alone,at least you did not starve throughout the year,therefore thank God for sustenance.
What of your family? at least something worthwhile must have happened to someone during the year,appreciate God for it.Carefully analyse the last twelve months and you will pleasantly surprised that you have had a great year after all.
1,It boost your morale,restore the joy you need to celebrate the new year.
2,You are able to recognize the areas you need to focus on for greater fulfillment.
3,It brings you closer to God,because the Lord loves those who appreciate him.
4,You are able to encourage others.
5,Finally,remember; when you are grateful for the little you have God will do more for you.
Therefore,start counting your blessings now,you will be surprised what the Lord has done!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is usually my favorite season of the year,there is so much excitement that is almost infectious.There is much expectations from family,friends, colleagues and loved ones.
Unfortunately,many people do not realize that they have to do more of giving than just waiting to receive.And do not say that you have nothing to give,because there is so much in you to give:love,care,joy are things you can give that will cost you nothing.
Giving is not always about money and materials things,but it is also necessary to spend your money to make others happy.Do not withhold your resources,use it to bring joy into the lives of those around you and you will surely receive more.Your rewards may not be instant,and might not come in the same form,but it will surely come when you need it most and would fulfill your heart desire.
The following are those you can reach out to in this festive season:
2,friends and colleagues
3,The homeless,motherless.
4,The elderly
5.The physically challenged
6,Whoever you are lead to by the spirit of God.
Please do not wait for people to give to you first before you give and do not be tired of giving, even when it seems not to be appreciated.God will reward you! So give love, care,material gifts,talents,money,even a smile!Happy celebration!!!