Friday, February 22, 2013


Life is all about relationships. We all desire to have good relationship in every sphere of life- Family, Marriage, Dating, Business, Friendship, Neighbors, etc.. Unfortunately most of us do not possess the ability and commitment to make certain relationship work or improve.
Here are some  basic attitudes that  we can phrase as relationship killers, because they have been known not only to hinder but to completely eradicate some great relationships.

1, UNFORGIVING SPIRIT; Some people just find it very difficult to forgive or overlook certain wrongs. Remember, no one is perfect excerpt God. If you easily bear grudge and find it difficult to forgive, you might as well say goodbye  to some great relationships

2, SUSPICION; No human is worthy of our  absolute trust. But it does not mean that you must suspect every uncertain words or action of those you constantly relate with. Learn to be patient before pronouncing bad judgement on others, you maybe wrong.
3, SELFISHNESS; Too much emphasis on your own well-being without considering its effect on others will greatly  portray you as inconsiderate  and self-centered. Nobody want to be associated with such people. Relationship  is about sharing with one another. The Me-Syndrome should  be carefully avoided
4, STUBBORNNESS:  Very stubborn people always have difficulties in relationships.
Remember, you cannot be right always. Listen to other people views and learn to agree when necessary.
5, THIRD-PARTY SYNDROME:  Whenever you have dispute, disagreement in any form of relationship, first try to resolve it with the person concerned.  Always running to third-party to resolve issues will bring more complications to ordinary matters. Stop broadcasting your quarrels, resolve them quietly and therefore solidify  your relationships.

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