Thursday, August 5, 2010


Money! money!almost every activity in the world is geared towards getting money.Our daily lives,struggles is directly or indirectly link to money,to the extent that daily, many lives are being enriched while others are destroyed because of money.No wonder the bible says that money is good and also says that money is the root of evil.
Here let us dwell on certain facts about money:
1,Money is good:This is very correct because there is hardly anything in this world that you do without money.Many people have died because of lack of money for proper medical attention,some have even starved to death because there was no money.Others are struggling and in misery daily due to poverty.Therefore to have sufficient money is good,and something for everyone to strive for.
2,Money cannot buy you happiness:There are so many rich but miserable people all over the world.Having money does not translate to happiness.A man that is rich but have poor health and poor relationships may not be a happy man.Therefore we must not only strive to have money,but make the necessary effort to be in good health so that we can enjoy the money,in addition,cultivate good relationships with family,friends and everyone we are in contact with, this is beneficial for our general wellbeing.
3,Money cannot buy true love:It is a sad thing for some people to erroneously believe that they can have any man or woman they desire because of their wealth.Even if you succeed,such relationship will never last,you will only end up with a feeling of being used without the joy and satisfaction that true love brings.
4,Money cannot guarantee peace:Many people believe that all the problems in their lives will just vanish as soon as the have a lot of money and so they strive and strive to become rich.Sadly,many become disappointed when this is not the case.In fact,having too much money has its own peculiar problems.
5,Finally,money is not everything:Do not become a slave to riches.There are so many other ways you can make positive impact to in family and the society at large without using money.Use your talent,show love and be committed to enriching your lives and that of others physically,spiritually in addition to utilizing your money wisely for the benefit of all